Wildlife monitoring

Welcome to the Web-GIS "Faunistics" source for monitoring of wildlife objects

The latest updates of WEB-Gis “Faunistics”:

15.12.2016. Web GIS “Faunistics” is included in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and begin to import data in 2017

3.10.2016. In the Web GIS "Faunistics" is redesigned functional of observations, added the batch operations, improved of the plug-in to work with layers.

5.10.2015. Data import to Web-GIS “Faunistics” from database “Online bird observation diary” for common users was established.

22.08.2014. Release of updated Web-GIS “Faunistics” ver. 2.0. What's new: - user's layers; - extended maps choice; better interface.

02.03.2013. Full-functional Web-GIS “Faunistics” version 1.0 was launched for general use.

15.02.2013. Crippled version of Web-GIS “Faunistics” was launched for general use. User's registration completed simultaneously with creating of the first observation.

21.01.2013. Crippled version of Web-GIS “Faunistics” was launched for general use. User's registration accomplished by system administrator.

12.12.2012. Crippled version of Web-GIS “Faunistics” was launched for general use.

System requirements

The system was tested for the correct work in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari. We recommend to use Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Supported browsers:

IE 8.0 (8.0.6001.18702) and later versions (Windows);
Firefox 9.0 and later versions (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux);
Safari 4 and later versions (Mac OS X, iOS);
Chrome (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux);

The system require Internet connection speed not less than 1 Mb/sec.

System of Geopositioning Query (SGPQ)

Our Web-GIS was developed on the SGPQ engine.

The system allowed to conduct crowd-soursing collection of data that have geographical binding.

The official site of the project: webgis.pro

Artificial Nests

The artificial nests monitoring program of the Russian Raptors Research and Conservation Network

Wild cats of Eurasia

A joint project of the Steppe Program of Siberian Environmental Center and Palla's's Cat Fan Club

Birds of the North Palearctic

A joint project of the Siberian Environmental Center and “Faunistica” program of the Russian Raptors Research and Conservation Network
